Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Save Our Libraries Day 5 Feburary 2011

Saturday February 5 is national SAVE OUR LIBRARIES day

Local people are demonstrating their support for their libraries – so please come along, sign the petition, help us make a fuss and have some fun...

11-12.30am, Tate South Lambeth Library, 180 South Lambeth Road, SW8 1QP. If you can, pick up a petition form in advance from the Friends' box inside the library, get some signatures and bring it on Saturday.

11am-4pm Durning Library, 167 Kennington Lane, SE11 4HF. Sign the petition, find out what's happening.

If you're going to Brixton on Saturday...
12am-4pm, Brixton Tate Library, Brixton Oval, SW2 1JQ (next to the Ritzy): the main event, with petitions, local authors, balloons and general ballyhoo. But visit your local library first!